Company Symbol

The Symbol of Millat Tractors Limited for Pakistan Stock Exchange is MTL. Data Portal of Pakistan Stock Exchange can accessed by Clicking on the following link.

Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) Click on PSX icon for latest stock price quote of MTL, following steps.

  • On Right side of Data Portal click on drop down menu/List and select “Symbol”.
  • Enter “MTL”in the”Enter Keword” or “Search Bar” text field and press “Search/ Enter” button to view MTL’s latest price and related statistics.


Click on the following link for direct access the Data portal of Pakistan Stock Exchange to view MTS’s latest price and related statistics.


The above links to sites of other parties are provided for your convenience. MTL neither reviews and monitors nor has any responsibility for the contents of these sites, and the fact that MTL has provided a link to these sites is not to be interpreted as an endorsement of, or acceptance of responsibility for their contents.

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